gold price trend

2011年7月26日 星期二

gold price a new high as U.S. debt ceiling

gold price a new high as U.S. debt ceiling

gold price a new high

U.S. debt ceiling deadlock caused by the continued tension is still not dispersed, overnight spot gold hit $ 1,622 / oz over the new record high.

If there is one thing the market needs to be, and that certainly is clarity. This last week the Greek EU summit before the debt crisis clearly expressed.

If there is one thing the market hates, and that certainly is unstable

Gold price highs last week. Market concern about the U.S. debt may default to stimulate the price of gold was rising above an ounce
$ 1,600 in the UK have topped £ 1000 per ounce level. Subsequently, the European tracks to ease the debt crisis
Like, so the price of gold down, Thursday (21) closed at $ 1,600 an ounce, and as the local stock market rebounded, the price of gold on Friday
(22) fell to $ 1,589 an ounce. FTSE gold index rose 1.6 percent last week.

