gold price trend

2011年7月26日 星期二

Gold price U.S. debt issue confusing to new high

Gold price - U.S. debt issue confusing to new high

Although gold is still, after opening steady, but still there is potential instability, and further subjected to crude oil selling, platinum-group metals are also taking the initial rise, narrowing the opening of the silver rose, rose only 25 cents. Standard Bank in the gold market speculation last week, a weekly review mentioned that the reduction of speculative short is "encouraging", but because of the price of gold compared to last year's terrorist attacks are ... breaking the 1600 passage of Euro gold U.S. dollar

International gold price $ 1,600 an ounce this month, soared-VIX (fear) index
VIX (fear) index is an important indicator of observation, the VIX index has recently been warming impact of European and American debt crisis, this year the first 3 degrees away Yang, hedging in the market under a stronger attitude, encouraging the international price of gold this month soared to $ 1,600 an ounce. However, the high price of gold Zaigong on occasion, in the end it is appropriate to approach the layout? ... Zhaojin Investment: Greece's sovereign debt was a record high price of gold down

Moody's cut Greece's sovereign debt rating, further increase risk aversion, gold price breaking up heavy volume early yesterday, the high point, but there are golden point below the resistance, shot up after the fall, short-term concern about the strength of the resistance point, days gold above the resistance level will be below the 5 day moving average and support at the shock, short-term buy low sell high, if effective than a single up the middle after Powei follow up.

