gold price trend

2011年7月13日 星期三

gold supply and demand side situation

Analysis of gold supply and demand side situation, Cameron pointed out that the supply of gold mainly from three areas: mining gold, old gold and the official sale of gold recovery. First, because a further increase in gold mining, as well as the rise in global gold scrap, gold supply in 2011 will accelerate growth. 2010 World gold reach 2689 tons of mineral, breaking the 2001 record of 2646 tons, in 2011 total global mine supply will increase by 5%.

"In addition, the central bank over the past few years there has been a significant decline in gold sales, gold sales in 2010 amount to zero. The amount of old gold recovery at a low level so far, but with the rising price of gold, the amount recovered may rebound in the second half . "Cameron said.

On the demand side, Cameron said that gold demand is mainly from the manufacturing demand (manufacturing and industrial demand for gold), investment demand. Among them, the demand for gold led the manufacturing sector is expected to grow this year, the manufacturing sector is expected to total demand for gold will continue to rise in 2011, the total will reach 2882 tons.

Investment demand, first for the diverse needs of official reserves, some countries are the central bank holdings of gold reserves and gold agreement country (CBGA) almost stopped the sale of gold, Cameron Official net purchases of gold that is expected to grow strongly this year.

"Second, so far, institutional and private investors enthusiasm for gold investment is still high, especially in the physical gold bullion and gold coins of investment products." Cameron said, "As the world's major economies will continue to maintain a low or negative real interest rates, and investors in sovereign debt issues and skeptical world's major currencies, we expect investment demand for gold will be in the second half of 2011 to maintain good growth. "

