gold price trend

2011年7月25日 星期一

gold prices new high 1614

gold prices new high 1614

The United States on Friday, Obama (Barack Obama) at the White House and congressional leaders held talks, but substantial progress. Republican House Speaker John Boehner (John Boehner) warned, would not seek a major deficit reduction agreement. Obama immediately made the defense and domestic spending cuts of $ 1 trillion and Medicare, Medicaid and welfare spending cuts $ 650 billion, saying it was a very fair deal. The White House previously had planned to reach an agreement on July 22, giving lawmakers enough time to consider.

July 23, the two sides met again, but the negotiations broke down again. The White House said in a statement, the president reaffirmed their opposition to short-term debt ceiling increase, while urging Congress to end a dangerous political game in order to avoid the U.S. government of default. Currently, negotiations between the parties disagree on taxes, Democrats want to raise taxes while cutting the deficit, while Republicans oppose it.

The U.S. debt ceiling last weekend negotiations again break down, and Barack Obama (Barack Obama) for the first time acknowledged the possibility of default, the dollar index on Monday (July 25) in the Asia Pacific trading hours extended recent losses.

Spot gold last Friday (July 22) spot gold opened at 1,590.51 U.S. dollars / ounce, up U.S. $ 1,607.01 / oz,

A minimum of 1,583.34 U.S. dollars / ounce to close at 1,600.70 U.S. dollars / ounce, up $ 10.11 the previous day / ounce, up

Rate of 0.64%; its time spot opening for the $ 39.39 Silver / oz, up to 40.24 U.S. dollars / ounce,

As low as $ 38.79 / ounce to close at 40.06 U.S. dollars / ounce, compared with the previous trading day up 0.68 U.S. dollars / ounce, or 1.68%

The United States on Friday, Obama (Barack Obama) at the White House and congressional leaders held talks, but substantial progress. Republican House Speaker John Boehner (John Boehner) warned, would not seek a major deficit reduction agreement. Obama immediately made the defense and domestic spending cuts of $ 1 trillion and Medicare, Medicaid and welfare spending cuts $ 650 billion, saying it was a very fair deal. The White House previously had planned to reach an agreement on July 22, giving lawmakers enough time to consider.

July 23, the two sides met again, but the negotiations broke down again. The White House said in a statement, the president reaffirmed their opposition to short-term debt ceiling increase, while urging Congress to end a dangerous political game in order to avoid the U.S. government of default. Currently, negotiations between the parties disagree on taxes, Democrats want to raise taxes while cutting the deficit, while Republicans oppose it.

The U.S. debt ceiling last weekend negotiations again break down, and Barack Obama (Barack Obama) for the first time acknowledged the possibility of default, the dollar index on Monday (July 25) in the Asia Pacific trading hours extended recent losses.

